Jacqueline Telford

Landscape - Scenery

-Canvas Prints
The canvas prints are made of linen of very high quality. Printed with HP latex
inks that are environment friendly and solvent-free for longer service life regarding
clarity and quality. The depth of wooden frames are ca.2 cm.
Shipping and packaging fee to Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland is free.
If you would like shipping to another country (inside europe 20 euro, other countries 30 euro).
Send me your e-mail along with your order, you will receive an extra paypal button.

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

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Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

Canvas Sizes

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Canvas Sizes


Low color - sepia
Black & white
Landscape - scenery
Portrait - people


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